New EPUB First Ever Complete Latin Translations:
How many Christians are there in today's morass of pseudo-
religiosity who can discern the difference between biblical God-
honoring Christianity and unbiblical God-hating Antichristianity,
posing under the sheepskin as pious, humble, religious
orthodoxy? Truth be told, the Lord has always had his people
who heeded His warnings of an apostasy from the true faith,
whose leader would be the man of sin, not the man of holiness,
as he claims. Furthermore, God's true people, His Elect, were
not silent about the identity of this portentous apostate and his
church of followers. But that was centuries ago. Today the
question of Antichrist's identity is one of wonderment,
confusion or hushed silence due to the poor teaching of those
who should know better. Therefore, in an effort to combat
ignorance, lies and indifference, this ministry offers never-
before translations, from the original Latin, two treatises which
are considered classic orthodox Protestant texts.
The cost of each is $10. Simply follow the links below for a
preview of their Prefaces and payment portal.